
(a) To promote for peoples in Zimbabwe, peace, democracy, social justice and equity; to promote the application of the declaration of human rights through the development of higher and tertiary education and of the collective bargaining of lecturers and non - lecturers.

b)To seek and maintain recognition of the trade union rights of workers in general and college lecturers in particular; to promote international labour standards including freedom of association and the right to organize, to bargain collectively and to undertake industrial action, including strike action if the need arises.

c) To enhance the conditions and terms of work for lecturers and promote their professional status in general through support for members and representation of their interest before the Government of Zimbabwe specialised groups and other relevant non-governmental organizations.

d) To support and promote the professional freedoms of lecturers and the right to participate in the formulation and implementation of education policies.

e) To combat all forms of racism, bias or discrimination in higher and tertiary education and in society due to gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion, political opinion, social or economic status or national or ethnic origin.

f) To give particular attention to developing of the leadership role and involvement of women in society, the lecturing profession and in organizations of lecturers.

g) To provide services for the benefit of members.

h) To promote closer cooperation between colleges, schools and industry and commerce in the development of schemes beneficial to members.

i) To engage in fundraising initiatives and investment for the furtherance of the objectives of the Union

j) To borrow from banks, financial institutions such monies for the purpose of property acquisition and development.

k) To provide legal assistance or other means to members on matters arising in connection or arising from their employment.

l) To facilitate and promote research through the research unit of the Union. To do such other things as may be incidental or connected to the foregoing oyment.